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Very Dark Sky


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Hiya all.

Tonight I'm renting my moms fella garden again in return for me taping the MotoGP for him, so I was just wondering if theres any cool targets I should look for.

The sky is dark enough to see the Cygnus rift and the like if thats any indication..

M27 will be my prime target (any tips for finding that? Da ja vous with the ring lol)

Anything else I would be able to see in the 10" I want to try some galaxy's.

Also if the targets will be visible in the 26mm EP, as I use that to find things then increase the magnification after..

Sorry to be a pain in the Bottom again :D


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M27 is directly north of the eastern star in Saggita, (Gamma Sge). I find Sagitta by drawing a line between Altair and Deneb. About 1/4 of the way to Deneb is Gamma Sge. Stright north with your equatorial mount and you're there.

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