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ISS visual: South China Sea

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After last trips sillyness, where I confused 05:50 hrs with 5:50pm, and thus became ridiculed by the ROV chaps. I was exhonerated last night by getting it right!

18:24 hrs the ISS made a pass from North to North East at about 10 degrees, remaining at the same altitude for the duration. The relected light had a slight orange tinge, due to atmospherics. Around about a minute and a half duration.

A shame the ROV chaps didn't join me on the helideck, but after the last timne, I wasn't surprised.

Tonight ISS is expected to appear at 18:46 in the North West and fly virtually over head (87 degrees) until it enters shadow at 18:50. A mgnitude of -3.4 is expected. Weather, thus far, looks good and clear (still 11-1/2 hours or so till then). I shall report to ROV chappies re: last nights sighting, and extend an invitation to join me on the helideck for cocktails this evening.

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When I reached the helideck, the ROV chaps were already up there waiting. We had a fair amount of cloud, but the moon and jupiter were clearly visible, as were aquite a few stars. One chap, Jason, asked how bright the ISS would be, so pointing to jupiter I said "a fair bit brighter than that", as I did this, a satellite passed jupiter from east to west, I have yet to determine what it was though. (edit: Nothing on heavens above was travelling in that direction, there were no visible navigation lights or contrail, which sort of rules out an aircraft, so it MUST have been an unidentified flying object).

When the predicted time for the ISS pass arrived, there was cloud to the north up to about 30 degrees. a faint object (Edit:Lacrosse 4, mag 2.8) appeared, where the ISS was expected, and this object followed the predicted path. I stated that I was expecting it to be far brighter than this, as we watched it go overhead and disappear behing the clouds. then Andrew, the other ROV chap spotted the ISS and boy was she bright (-3.4), and fair zooming along. It was even visible through the clouds over head.

The ROV chaps weren't disappointed, in fact quite excited by the spectacle. I expect they'll show up for the next decent pass on the 30th.

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Another good pass this evening, again directly overhead. Spoilt somewhat by the heavey cloud cover, but there were enough gaps to make it worthwhile. My Chinese assistant couldn't be arsed to come up to the helideck, he's only interested in basketball.......

It was great watching the ISS fly directly over the top of the derrick. After tomorrow the visibles will be early moronings for a while.

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