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Konus C65 Mak first light

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First of all, this is the same scope that Celestron sells under the same designation, exactly, except that the Konus scope is a pleasant medium-blue. The scope doesn't have any appearance of a 'toy' scope, and looks professional, if small. A variable power eyepiece (non-interchangeable) grows out of the hemispherical end, at a 45 degree angle, giving an erect image. Powers are from 30x to 90x. The f/l is not given on the packaging, but I think it's around f/10 - 12.

The scope comes with a tabletop tripod, but I found it a bit fiddly to use, and opted for a Soligor lightweight tripod I already owned. The scope would work altogether better on an astronomical, or at least sturdy, tripod. Most of the problems I had with the scope were related to the jiggly mount. It was OK if there was no breeze, I didn't touch the scope or the tripod, the dog didn't bump into it or lean against it, and I held my breath. It would have been even better if I had done all those things, and used a heavier tripod. I may try shortening the legs and using it on a table top next time.

he 30x power is too high for the lowest power on this scope. It should probably be about 15 or 20. It is exceedingly hard to get stuff in the scope without a finder, so I put my red dot finder on it for the night. (Double sided tape, eh?)

It was a 'partly cloudy' night tonight, meaning that there were a few holes in the cloud which lasted for five or ten minutes each. I focused my 6" reflector on the moon at about 40x to give me a comparison. TBH, although the view in the 6" was brighter and a littel bit crisper, the view in the Mak was more than decent. I could see all the features I could see in the 6", and the Mak was slightly easier to bring to a crisp focus, which I found surprising. As long as the tripod wasn't being bumped or blown about, the view was quite good, although at about 40x the moon filled the FOV. Going from 30x to 90x you have to refocus, but not going the other way. At least, going the other way, the focus still looked crisp at 30x.

I looked at Jupiter briefly. It resolved to a perfect, yellowish disk with no features at 30x, but at 90x there was a hint of banding. I couldnt' see the moons at 30x, but they appeared at about 60x. This may be due to seeing, LP, transparency, or my eyesight. I'll have to get to a good dark site to be sure.

Stars appeared nice and tight at any magnification. I like this little scope, so far. There appears to be a slight scratch somewhere in the optics, which appears as a double line in the upper right of the FOV, when you are looking at anything light coloured. I'll have to take it back. Later.

I'll have to try it on some globulars and nebulae. Maybe I'll go out and try for M13, and M31. Or, maybe, M29 and M92. I'll let you know...

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Sounds as though it could be a useful grab and go scope WH, didn't know you were increasing the armoury. Look forward to you reports when you sort out the tripod / mount and have some good seeing.


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