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quite complicated...

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hey all, just had my first spin on my new scope. wow its complicated! the eq3 mount is going to take some time to get my head round me thinks :icon_eek:

managed to get a look at jupiter which was shimmering away and it just looked like a fuzzy ball really. i also managed to spot somekind of satelitte come shooting across the lens managed to track it for a bit but it was a bit too fast. also i think i saw my first dso it was a faint fuzzy grey blob which i couldnt focus on. all in all conditions were Rubbish so i gave up tonight. looking forward to the next clear night so i can give it a proper go. can anyone recommend any good EP's? i would like to get some better views of jupiter etc if poss... my scope SW explorer 150p came with 2 EP's, 10mm and 25mm and a 2x barlow. what magnifications are those sizes capable of? :)


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Your scope haves 750mm focal length, so divide it by the EP focal length and you get magnification. i.e.: for the 10mm EP it's 750/10 = 75x or 150x when you use barlow + 10mm EP.

As for the detail, either seeing was bad or dew formed on the gear. You should get a sharp image of jupiter. I do in decent night with the original EPs I still have on my kit.

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