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Modding Newtonian primary cover plate


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I would like to mod my primary cover plate on my C8 N, instead of taking the cover off everytime I collimate my scope. I've seen people use them with a fan attached. A few questions.

What would the implications be if I kept the backplate as it is & just made holes in the plate to adjust the primary collimation ?

Relating to the question above - Would I have to dremmel out some air vents in the plate or would I have to attach a fan on it to help the primary cooling down time ?

If I have to attach a fan, what size would suffice, how much power would you require to power it & long would you need to run it before a session ?



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I decided to make a new plate from 3mm black plexiglass as I didn't wany to upset any future resale value. I made it with holes where the collimation screws are and mounted a small fan in the middle. It works fine, the only slight downside is not being able to stand the ota on it's end.


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