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new dobsonian


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Well I actually bought myself a 10" sky watcher auto tracking dobsonian from Rother valley optics yesterday and it arrived this morning. I was amazed at how compact it was and I thought it would be much larger. The collimation was slightly out but I have a laser collimator so hopefully that should not be too much of a problem. Of course the weather is Rubbish and looks like being that way for some days yet so no first light report just yet. The set up was easy it took me about half an hour to assemble it and then another 5 minutes or so to check out the motors on the tracking device, and all seem to be working. All I need now is some clear skies and I will let you know my thoughts on this instrument. Thanks to Adam at Rother Valley Optics for their superb service:hello2:. Steve.

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Good choice on the scope and with auto-tracking, you are going to have some serious capability to capture those DSO's. Urban myth suggests that tracking adds another half magnitide to the capability of the scope. Of course, from the optical sense, nothing but the fact that you can relax and really work hard at the image without nudging the scope makes sense to me

Clear skies ? Certainly sir... just need to be 10000 feet ASL

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Steve, it is all made up and ready to take its first light sadly not at 10000 ft. The motors seem a good idea and like you say it is much easier to follow and observe with out having to physically follow by hand. Steve

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  • 8 months later...

Richard, I sold it due to lack of use. The scope was excellent but I did not have the time to mess with all my stuff so last in first out. You will need a collimator for this scope, the mirror shifts easily but the few times that I used it the views were outstanding after slight collimation. The tracking is fine once you get the hang of it. I would recommend this scope without hesitation and Rother valley are an outstanding company. The 12" is also a good buy but again it is bigger and heavier. Steve

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Excellent advice Steve. I am also thinking of the XX14i (like everybody it seems) but don't know whether to spend the extra money.

I think I will buy the Hotech collimator no matter what Dob I choose.

I notice that you have two Celestrons of the same aperture-ish. I can see why you felt overscoped.

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The XX14i as had some excellent write ups and you may want to go down that route it is a very nice size. I had the Hotech collimator and it is the best very easy to use and spot on. There is a video on how to use this on YouTube you might one to look at. I definitely over scoped but the CPC 925 is superb for visual use and the 11" will be used for imaging and video later on this year. Her indoors also noted I had over scoped too. The CPC 925 is very quick to set up and take down which is also a bonus. Good luck with the scope and give that XX14i some serious thought it is very nice. Steve

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