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Finding alternative names for stars - goto scope

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My SynScan mount has fairly extensive NGC, IC and SAO catalogues. But often I'm finding it a little confusing to find a star or other object in any of these. To take one example, let's say I want to look at the double star Psi 1 Pisces. Is there anywhere I can look up its name in one of the catalogues I have access to (NGC, IC or SAO)? I can see from a star atlas that it's also known as STF88 - is there a place I can see if this tallies with, say, the NGC?

(And yes, I know I should be finding things by star-hoppinhg instead of using goto! I really am trying to teach myself to use both methods. But even if I were exclusively hopping, I'd still be interested in how people deal with what, to a newcomer, seems to be a bewildering level of multiple names for objects. I'd be grateful for advice from the more experienced here...)

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Other than purchasing a detailed catalogue for the various objects, the easiest answer seems to be to use a star mapping program like Carte du Ciel. When you click on an object/ star it gives a potted listing of the names and other details.

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