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Paracorr question.


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Can someone with a Paracorr please measure how far they sit inside the focuser (ie the depth of the barrel).

I'm asking this as I have a lip on the inside of my focuser tube and I want to make sure it would clear this.

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62mm with my 2" tunable top paracorr. ie 62mm from the shoulder that rests on the top of the focuser drawtube to the very end of the paracorr down the drawtube. You'll need 62mm from the lip of your drawtube to the lip inside your drawtube

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Thanks Keith much appreciated.

I have 70mm from the outer edge of the focusr drawtube to the lip inside the drawtube so in theory would fit.

How far out of the focuser does the paracorr extend Keith.

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Drawtube Shoulder up to 2" EP lip is 39mm, to lip of 2-1.25" adapter when used is 48mm. Thats with the tunable top in its lowest position. With the tunable top in its highest position those measurements are 50mm and 59mm respectively.

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It is tempting but remember that lip I have on the inside of the focuser. Tried to use Owen's holographic collimator at SP and it wouldn't fit. So this will screw onto the end of your eyepiece same as a MPCC so with extension to get the correct distance will it hit that lip :D

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