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Guided 30min 3minx10 subs vs. 30min 40x45s subs

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Ok i just started guiding and tested out on M13 10x3min subs all went fine no problems with the guiding ( i did run some 4 and 5 min subs but LP was an issue)

I also had 30 mins of M13 data from earlier in the year unguided 45sec subs

Anyway attached is a composite, showing the processed stacks of the 10x 3 min subs, 40x 45s subs, and finally all the data 1hr stacked.

Thing that got me is how similar each of the image sections is, i assume that as M13 is so bright that there isnt much advantage of going longer on the subs, but anyway was still suprised at how similar each section of the image is.


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That's a nice comparison, and your right they do look incredibly similar, perhaps a small increase in depth with the 3min subs, like you say though M13 is so bright there might not be any advantage in going longer on your subs.


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