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Save as?


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Well, the LPi turned up this morning :)

Have it all installed and ready to go. Gave it a quick test in daylight, so I know what I'm doing tonight.

There is no option to save as an .avi file though. It's been suggested that I use .fst or BITMAP for use with Registax.

Which one would be the better to use?

Also, is there another 'Fool's Guide' to Registax that anyone knows of? The primer on here is great, but bears no resemblance to the latest version that I have downloaded!

Thanks in advance!

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Hi The Thing,

I tended to save as tiffs when using the Meade -I think tiffs or BMPs definately best - avoid jpg as you'll lose detail.

You can take avi's with the Meade LPI, but not using it's own Autostar software - you need to use one of the free alternatives like Craterlet.



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Thanks John.

I've taken some shots of Jupiter in various formats and found BMPs best for me (so far!)

I'm elated to have some piccies that acutally came out, 1st time! Just need to get them from the other computer and will post them here for (constructive) criticism.

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