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2 mounts & a dual slide roof as well as an empty wallet


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i have been busy for the last fortnight and have missed some of the best sky's in ages :)

when the project if finished i am sure it will all be worth it as i will actually have a warm room as well as enough room to move around my scope in comfort to do visual. My last obsy was only 1500mm wide so was a bit cramped to say the least. Although i image most of the time i have found that i am missing doing visual and also it will keep me occupied while i wait for the subs to roll in I am going to kelling this week so work will grind to a halt but all being well i should be up and running again in about 2 weeks

the roof consists of 3 parts, 1 fixed roof and 2 sliding, i will post some more pics as it progresses

when i am note in the mood for visual, it will mean some nights i can image 2 targets at once :) :)






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