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Baader Fringe Killer Filter

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After much discussion, web browsing etc.,I've bought a fringe killer filter.

I bought it for mainly two reasons. The first so that it helps with viewing Jupiter and the second so that it will show more detail on moon digital imaging. Although the TAL frac doesn't have a lot of CA - since it's a only 4" and a F10 focal length, it's always there just as a thin strip.

Saturn and to some extent even Mars are not too bad but Jupiter is something else.

I've used the fringe killer the last few nights on Jupiter and the difference is very evident, not only has virtually all the CA gone, but the detail is just so much better. Previously it was a disappointing object compared with Saturn, now I think I can just make out a bit of festooning and the bands are better. One down side is that Jupiter's moons' now get a slight yellow cast.

Turning to the moon, the usual digital processing automatically gets rid of the fringing, but because the filter has an IR blocker the basic digital images are much improved. There appears to be an increase in detail and contrast, and the exposures seem to be more even.(It's an automatic compact digital so exposure can be a problem)

Since on the last few nights both Jupiter and the moon have been at a low altitude, I've noticed that the filter cuts down the light pollution somewhat and gives a slightly darker sky. Obviously nothing like as good as a proper LP filter but every little helps.


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I've had one for a couple of years now and my findings echo yours MD. It does the job pretty well but the yellow is pretty off putting (for want of a better phrase).

I only tend to use it on Jupiter and Venus, I don't bother with the Moon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm actually going to differ in my opinion on the filter. I had one that initialy I used with a skywatcher 80mm, then later with the sentinal. I found it didnt knock out as much false colour as I thought. I tried the williams optics VR-1 in a 2" size fitted onto my diagonal (as I did with the Baader) and found it a much better filter.

That yellow casting you talk about is reduced with the VR-1 all in all I found it a better product

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