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Dr Dixon

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This is about 30 mins of data on M39, (45sec Subs, ISO 800, C-ED80, Canon 40D).

I am struggling a bit with the processing as there was a lot of information and going too far on the curves brought out a lot of background stars swamping the structure of the cluster so i have knocked it back to keep the background in check.

Also feel the colour is a bit lacking too, (is there a way to increase the intensity of the color in Pix Insight LE?) comes over a bit dull.

And recommendations for settings in DSS? i just took the default settings


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Nice image you have there.

Unfortunately I do not have Pix Insight, but I increased the colour using Photoshops 'Match Colour' function.

I also used the blur and sponge tool to help on the larger stars.

I probably over did it, but it does show there is colour there.

With DSS I use a function to keep the colours nicely balanced during stacking, you can do that by:

After clicking 'Stack checked pictures' in DSS, click recommended settings.

In that section you can scroll down and ensure you use the option that says:

"If the colour balance in the resulting image is hard to fix......."


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