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Yes ! I have done it !


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Yes ! I have sucessfully Modded by 450D, I replaced the filter with a Baader Correcting Filter. It took 5 hours to do, with no hiccups whatsoever., the auto focus still works, it turned on straight away.

Before the Mod :


after the mod :



Now just have to wait until people stop buying telescopes :), as the weather on north london as been terrible.

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I got confused for a second there and thought the before and after pictures were of the camera in a box..before I sent it by royal mail and the box when it came back. I have taken the medication and re-read the post and am back in planet reality.

Bet you can´t wait to take a few test shots!


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Well done mate!

Point your WO66 at the pelican nebula :)

Thanks Arran - What type of exposure time are we talking about ? A might get a chance around midnight tomorrow if the weatherman is true to his word.

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As long as you can!

Use the iterative polar alignment method, and go for as long as possible with the stars remaining tight.

But just as importantly, keep shooting for as long as you can on the one target.

Try to get several hours if possible :)

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