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Chinese customs question


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I am taking two DSLR cameras to China, one for imaging the eclipse on a WO80 scope and one for wide field shots, and just general atmospherics during the main event (and also as a backup in case cam one fails). The group I am with will also be using my Skynyx on a Solarscope SV60 for pre and post eclipse..

Anyone having been to China, know what the regulations are with regard to more than one camera?

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Passenger's Personal Belongings:

Each passenger is allowed to carry a camera, a portable tape recorder, a small movie camera, a portable video-camera, and a portable word-processor. A passenger with personal articles exceeding the allowable must make declaration to the customs service. Passengers should bring their belongings with them when they depart China.

Entry: Tourists must fill out a baggage declaration form (in two copies) and hand it in to customs, retaining the carbon to show upon exit.

Personal belongings will be admitted duty free, including food, two bottles of liquor and two cartons of cigarettes. Wristwatches, radios, tape recorders, cameras, movie cameras, and similar items may be brought in for personal use but cannot be sold or transferred to others and must be brought out of China.

Singular in the first and multiple in the second....:) looks like its a paperwork exercise... Videotapes look more interesting though as they may be retained indefinitely...

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