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Solar Scope size

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I've been using an old cheap , ( no name ) 4" reflector , fitted with a baader film solar filter.

I would like to fit the solar film to my 8" reflector but the size means I will have to make an end cap for my scope with an aperture of about 6" for the solar film.

As the size of a scope matters as to its light gathering capabilities for normal viewing would an increase in scope size really improve the views of the sun I'm getting - or should I just stick to using the small scope that seems to function quite adequately for solar observing ?

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I'd stick with the 4" set-up you're using.

Putting a 6" white light solar filter on your 8" would give you some improvement in resolution, but generally the seeing conditions during the day don't allow you to get the full benefit of a larger aperture.

I've just gone down from a 5" to an ED80 for my white light observing! Easier scope to handle and with a dual bar it fits nicely along side the Ha.

A green eyepiece filter, or a Baader Continuum filter will improve the contrast.

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