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GoTo upgrade kit for my EQ3-2 or a complete GoTo telescope for less?

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I would like to have a GoTo telescope, should I upgrade my NEQ3-2 mount to GoTo, or have a complete GoTo telescope for less?

Maybe the place where I do most of my observations will decide? Read on please.

The typical price for a Skywatcher GoTo upgrade-kit for the Skywatcher EQ3-2 mount is about £329. Overpriced it seems, for a computerized handset, two simple motors, a control-box for the motors, a simple cable-kit, and two plastic holders for the handset and the control-box.

For less you can have a complete GoTo telescope like the Celestron Nexstar 130 SLT, for £285 it comes with a 130mm f/5 reflector and two eyepieces,or Skywatcher's clone with the same 130mm reflector and two eyepieces, the price for this telescope is about £270.

For good measure, these two GoTo telescopes uses more or less the same handset as the upgrade kit, Skywatcher owns Celestron, so it is just cosmetic differences between the handsets, I believe the datasystems are also much the same for Celestron and Skywatcher.

I have the Celestron SkyScout 90mm refractor f/7,7 on my NEQ3-2 now, my 90mm refractor gives me nice views of the planets I think.

The place where most of my observations take place, is my concrete balcony with view over the city. It is conciderable light-pollution and skyglow from my city, and local light-pollution from my residencial neighbourhood.

My NEQ3-2 mount can be used with a 150mm/750mm f/5 reflector, but would deep-sky observation be possible from a light-polluted site like this anyway?

So would it be any point in upgrading my NEQ3-2 with GoTo and a 150mm reflector if deep-sky observations is made difficult by light-pollution?

If not, will a GoTo telescope like the SLT with a 130mm for less be a better choice for me from the place I do my observations?

A 150mm/750mm f/5 reflector cost £150-£175 in addition to the £329 for the GoTo upgrade kit.

What would you have done? I very much appreciate comments and suggestion from you.

Clear skies:),


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Hi Nordmann,

Maybe I can take a stab at some answers.

The NEQ3-2 is actually a sturdier mount than the SLT mount, and, most important, one is equatorial the other alt/az... that shouldn't make a difference to you unless you want to try imaging later on. But the tripod of the eq3-2 is definitely less prone to shake, and that can be important even in visual use. There are ways to improve the slt mount (by mounting the base on a sturdier photo tripod), but of course, that is more money. The good news though is that your 90mm scope can fit perfectly on the mount, as it can accept scopes with vixen style dovetails.

Now, as to the difference between skywatcher and celestron gotos. While owned by the same company, the handsets and controllers are not the same. Very, very similar, but still different. I also believe (but not 100% sure) that the 130mm skywatcher goto version controller is based on the older celestron gt controller (it's a clone of it I believe), and therefore not as accurate in goto and tracking... I could be wrong on this, so someone please correct me.

Imo, you might be better off just upgrading the eq3-2 with the goto kit. However, if you absolutely want something you can just grab and go, minimum fuss, take camping, etc, then I would highly recommend the SLT. In your case, I would buy the cheapest one (the 60SLT is the cheapest I think), sell the ota if you can, and mount the 90mm scope on it. Invest some money in a good photographic tripod, and mount the base on it. There are also ways to make the supplied tripod sturdier, it does involve some dyi work.

Hope this helps.


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Humm the EQ3-2 is very underated mount. One of the best TBH. The Celestron stuff is indeed a little more flimsy when it comes to the mount. On the Goto fron the Celestron Skyalign goto is a breeze.. seems a little more straight forward than Skyscan.

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Its tricky.. first question is do you really need goto?.. I've had goto twice and got the point of I can't be bothered, switched it off and star hopped. Sometimes the setup and leveling etc can be more of an irritation then a benefit. Nice dual drives are a good start. The EQ3 with dual drives is a nice mount.

Failing that take you money down the EQ5 road. The 150P on an EQ5 is ROCK solid!!.. grab the mount + Dual drives + 150P OTA.

Just my thoughts

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