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Just another Saturday night,


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I can not believe it, three yes three nights in a row with clear skies, and tonights are the best for clarity.

Jupiter's belts are clear and distinct with hardly any atmospherics, Saturn clear and saw more detail than before.

The dissappointing part is the twilight, noticeably more over each night, as a consequence fainter diffused objects are non existant, even now at midnight, although I can see down mag 6, the DSOs aren't playing, the sky has a lightness, not a true black.

As for the comet 73P, the C component was just about visiable, more my skies than anything, but couldn't find the B component.

All in all a successful night, wide field photos in the camera, will sort them tomorrow while I catch up on the Archers :D

naz :D

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At least you got something to look at Naz mate we have had three very rubbishy cloudy nights here yet checking weather reports they had given some good hope for the evenings wrong again eh. look forward to seeing your results time for bed I guess its off to the local car boot early on Sunday I am being told yipeee oh well owt for a quiet life!

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