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I did manage to get out last night with my 8x42's and 10x50's.

The conditions were a little hazy so I thought I might struggle to pick out M31. Not as bad as I thought. In the 10x50's it was pretty easy. It was a amorphous patch (that's a fuzzy blob for binocular users) with the core a little brighter. Much more diificult in the 8x42's,averted vision did help with observing though. Did not see M31's companions.

Not a spectacular object in bino's but still interesting to look at. My point being:you don't need large optics to observe it.M31 is much better from a darker site and of course darker skies,it is June.


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Pleased you got M31 Glen, and that you managed to get out with the binos :) I remember it through binos the first time, averted vision helped alot. The view might not be spectacular but it always amazes me when I realise exactly what I'm looking at, how far away it is, and the fact that when the light that I am seeing left the object, humans weren't around!

I'm looking forward to M31 being better placed, and the skies being darker and the nights longer. It's only since becoming seriously interested in amateur astronomy that I've longed for the long, dark, crisp nights we have in the depths of winter.


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