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NGC 6992 Test


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Hello all,

I had one final play of the season last night, the idea was to push the mount and guidemaster to see how well they played together before one of them spat their dummy out.

I wasn't expecting much image wise because it's virtually daylight even at 2 in the morning but that wasn't why I was out there so as you can see composition wasn't part of the plan, I didn't even bother to check my focus and to be honest I didn't think the mount would fare to well doing 40min subs but that's what I told it to do.

Here's the result, it could be better but I think it did ok.

This is 2 x 40 mins Ha


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Cheers Alan,

I was just curious as to wether the mount could cope with such long exposures, I'd done 40 min subs with my old G11 but never been over 10 with the EQ6

This is a bit to big for my camera, best start saving :)

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Nice image, looks like it handled it pretty well!

Do you have any other sub lengths on this target?

Would be a nice comparison to see the 40 minute sub vs 4x10 minute subs.

What do you think of the sub length? Is it worth going for so long?

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Maybe I should have rotated the camera a bit Alan but like I say, I wasn't really out to image anything, just messing about :)

Arran I don't have any subs of different lengths to do a comparison unfortunately but I did do the Pelican nebula a couple of years back when I had my G11 and the 40 mins subs meant that the image had a lot less noise and needed a lot less processing.

This example doesn't show this, you really need it to be a lot darker than it is at the moment.

The only trouble with doing longer subs is that you have a greater chance of satellites and such whizzing through your image.

Plus if you loose a 40 minute sub for some reason it can be frustrating to say the least, whereas loosing say a 10 minute sub is not so bad.

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I don't take darks m8,

Yes this test image is noisy but this is probably not the best time of year for imaging but I'm sure with more subs and darker nights it would be a lot smoother

I probably won't do subs of this length very often, I find 10 mins does the trick on most things but it's nice to know the mount will do them if I ask it to.

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You can always do "sigma clip" combine in Maxim Roy, that does a fine job on trails etc. Like you said it is probably overkill in all honesty. I plan i doing 20 mins subs from now on, when it actually gets dark that is!!!


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I'm with you Alan, I think 20 mins is enough for most things.

I can remember when me and a mate of mine got back from buying our first proper scopes (Celestron C8 CG5 GT) and saying to each other, if we can get 1 minute subs we'll be sorted :)

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