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102/500 vs 80/400 AZ3 SkyWatcher

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I am thinking to buy new telescope...

I need a scope wich is easy to transport, because I live in big city, so I have to travel(I am not old eunght to drive :cool: ) so it has to be small scope(that I can put it in a bag or something) .I am intresed in deapsky observing.

What do you think about this telescopes? Wich is better for me...


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I think the larger (ST102) must win out here - At least for any deep sky observing. And, as a single telescope, the greater light gathering must (obviously) be more useful. Also the later possibility for using 2" diagonal / eyepieces (inbuilt in the ST102) may be desirable too. I feel that mine (ST102) was still well within the loading capabilities of an AZ3. Could be carried... fairly easily by (old guy like) me - Typically in a plastic "tool box", with the AZ3 in large (camera) tripod bag. So, if you're young and FIT... :cool:

Don't worry re. the language! I can e.g. read Cyrillic letters "phonetically", but that's about ALL! :)

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