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Collimation Problem SW200P - Help !

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For the Love of God, someone help me in this :cool:

I usually give a tweak to my scope before I start an imaging session.

Last night for some odd reason, I found it very hard to collimate my Primary. After fiddling in the dark - got it collimated.

So I thought this morning get the Baader Laser Collimater out (this is what I use generally) & re-collimate the scope. Aligning the Secondary into the middle of the Primary - No Problem, but the Primary B****y thing does not want to align, i'm finding it very hard to center the laser for the collimator laser to reflect back on itself.

Come someone rub their Oil Lamp & help me. :)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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You've probably tightened the collimation screws all the way in..Or (Forgive me if i'm a bit wrong) The locking knobs are locked tight??

Or the whole mirroe cell is too loose??

Has to be one of those..

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The collimation screws are not tight, "Locking Screws" what locking screws are we talking about ?

If the mirror cell is too loose, how do go about fixing it ?


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I assume from your post that the laser is hityting the centre spot of the primary but not being returned to the laser - am I right ? If so read on....

It sounds as if its the primary adjusters are at fault here. You say it was hard to adjust the night before. That may indicate the adjusters were at their max.

My bet is one or other of the screws is too tight. My advice would be to loosen ALL the screws on the back plate. Thats the collimation screws AND the lock screws. (the adjuster ones are large philips headed screws, the lock screws are small allen headed screws next to the Phillips screws).

When all is loose recollimate from scratch. If thats too hectic and your nervous about doing that then release the lock screws, and gently unwind the collimation screws by about a half turn while watching what goes on with the laser.

My bet is the adjuster screws are too far in and need to be slackened a bit.

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I assume from your post that the laser is hityting the centre spot of the primary but not being returned to the laser - am I right ? If so read on....

It sounds as if its the primary adjusters are at fault here. You say it was hard to adjust the night before. That may indicate the adjusters were at their max.

My bet is one or other of the screws is too tight. My advice would be to loosen ALL the screws on the back plate. Thats the collimation screws AND the lock screws. (the adjuster ones are large philips headed screws, the lock screws are small allen headed screws next to the Phillips screws).

When all is loose recollimate from scratch. If thats too hectic and your nervous about doing that then release the lock screws, and gently unwind the collimation screws by about a half turn while watching what goes on with the laser.

My bet is the adjuster screws are too far in and need to be slackened a bit.

Thank you Astro Baby, I loosened all the screws, inc. the locking screws, then re-collimated from scratch, after alignment slightly tightened the locking screws , Now it's collimated.

Thanks for those who responded.

Kind Regards


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Could have been something was a bit tight. The lock screws should be in contact with the mirror cell but not putting any strain on it. So just 'contact' tight is enough. Glad its worked out for you.

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