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ASI533MM Pro or ASI1600MM Pro


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My RC6 has a focal length of about 1355 mm and the short dimension of my ASI485MM chip is 6 mm, so that leaves about 0.25 degrees for framing. This is a bit restrictive so I have been looking for a larger, cooled camera. I have been thinking of going mono to work better with spectroscopy, and the ASI533MM is the obvious option (11 mm shortest dimension), but a bit expensive for me. Would a used ASI1600MM be a good alternative (13 mm shortest dimension). It looks like I can pick one up for around €750. I’d get a bigger sensor than the 533, but I would have to deal with amp glow and something called microlensing? It also looks like the QE of the 533 is about 30% higher.

Edited by Ags
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Amp glow is a non issue, I use 183s which starburst like supernovas, it calibrates out fine with darks. The main reason I've avoided the 1600s is that they are prone to dew mentioned in many forum posts, newer zwo cameras are designed so the internal heat radiates to the sensor preventing this issue which was rife with the 1600. There is now the dew heating kit which you can install to the front of any camera but if you have the option of getting a newer model, just do it due to the other benefits of using newer sensors. The 533 is excellent if it's your only camera, it becomes an issue if you want to match its data to larger other size camera sensors and have to work within the confines of the 11 x 11mm square format.

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  • Ags changed the title to ASI533MM Pro or ASI1600MM Pro

Amp glow can be calibrated out, but it is still an undesirable false signal… I’ll have to do some more research on the dew issue. All the new cameras do advertise a heater for the optical window so it must be something that needed fixing.

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