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A few more doubles from the 12th October

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Conditions were far from perfect last night. It even rained just after I had finished alignment!! Fortunately having an observatory meant I could quickly shut down and restart a bit later. The seeing was pretty poor and the Moon was washing out alot of the sky. The views of Saturn were OK with Titan and Rhea visible an d the Moon wasn't too bad with detail in Copernicus and the Highlands. Most of the doubles I observed were in Aquila but 1 was in Vulpecula. I did try for M30 but without success.


STFA40AB w/w A wide pair of evenly matched white stars. Good Binocular target. 

Mag.     Sep.    Pmag.   Smag. J2000 co-ords

x70       423.5.    6.52.     6.78    19 18 8 00 20

STF2566 w/b A wide uneven pair, the primary appeared white, the secondary pale blue. Several bright stars in the field. Took averted vision to see at first due t0 the conditions.

x70          26.9.   7.73.    10.15   19 44 5 04 59

STF2601AB,C w/b An fairly close pair, tricky to split in the conditions. The primary is white, the secondary is pale blue.

x112          7.1     8.71.   10.14.   19 56 8 01 55

D21 o/w A wide pair close to STF2618. The primary is orange, the secondary is white

x70           19.1    8.68    10.95.   20 03 0 15 28

STF2618 w/w A close pair of white stars, tricky to split in the conditions. Fairly even in magnitude. Shares field with D21

x140        5.6        9.41     9.77     20 03 4 15 28


STF3132AB w/nc A fairly close pair with a noticable difference in magnitude. The primary is white, the secondary is grey. Within the coathanger asterism.

x140       7.5           8        10.1     19 28 2 20 13



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