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goto mounts

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I be surprised of is question has not being asked before. But here it is again, What do you consider to be the best mount and goto system on the market to day? The one I like at the moment is a Losmandy G11/ Titan with the Gemini or Argo Navis system fitted. I’m looking for a mount that will work straight out of the box with out having to modify or adjust components for precision tracking be for use.

Thanks in advance


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That's a very interesting and very broad question you raise. Do you want to put any limitatons on it, such as whether its to be used for imaging or observing, its load capacity, the budget, availablity, portable or observatory based?


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Hi Steve

In response to your question the main function will be for astrophotography with some visual work the load capacity should around 22Kg (scopes. cameras, adapters, eye pieces, mounting and cabling ) the setup will need to be portable some of the time ( hopefully I can get to some star parties ) the rest it will be observatory mounted. I hope this narrows it down a bit more.


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I believe the G11 is of reasonable quality that could be slightly improved for more accuracy as for the EQ6/pro I do not think it will take the weght or is of the quality I am looking for with the number of problem people have had with them. Why do you like the Gemini system over the Argo Navis system? What I’m looking for a precision mount that will work straight out of the box .


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22kg would be a bit too much for an EQ6 in my opinion. I have one and wouldn't load it that high for AP. I have 16 to 17 Kg on mine and it's OK at that level. And the PE is not of the highest quality although can be guided or PEC'd out to a large degree The load would be fine on the G11 but when I was looking at my options a few months ago, the feedback from the G11 forum was that it's a very good mount but many examples seemed to need some fettling straight from the box. It does seem to be capable of sub 5 arcsecs PE with some tweaking.

Can't help you with the Gemini-Argo comparison. I wasn't even aware of Argo!

There's a long list of mounts which are available in Europe which I assume are also available in Oz - Gemini G41/42, 10micron, ASA - and of course many US built models - Titan, MI250, AP900, AP1200, Paramount, Parallax - all of which have excellent reputations for their out of the box performance judging from their many supporters.... but naturally the £signs (or $signs) are that much bigger! And there's the waiting list as well. I found that I had to compromise between outright performance and load capacity and the depletion of the bank account

Does this help you with your thoughts?

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