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Another attempt with filters


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Hi All. 

Had a bit of time today, so set up my rig again with my trusty old ETX90. This time using my Baader Solar Continuum filter and behind that, I stacked the Baader Neodymium UV/IR cut filter attached to the ASI585 camera. Although had some focusing issues, it did make quite a noticeable difference. Getting a ERF for my EdgeHD so that should be fun!!!



Edited by JonHigh
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Very nice John. Lots of fine detail.

Whilst the Edge with an ERF would produce superb results I'd be mindful of the seeing required, it would have to be very good to merit the full aperture. That's the reason I don't use my Edge for solar the seeing up here is never good enough. You can of course use an aperture mask but that kind of defeats the object to my mind. 


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Posted (edited)

Hi Pete. Thank you. I was very impressed with the result but really need to nail the focusing technique. Almost there I think! Any pointers would be appreciated. Very different to nighttime AP but enjoying taking images of our star! 
Yes, I must admit I have similar thoughts, I did think about an off-axis ERF but likewise what’s the point I might as well stick to the ETX90! However, I got the filter at half price so what the heck let’s give it a go! I was mad enough to do DSO AP with my SkyMak150 🤪  
I be getting it next week so fingers crossed for clear skies. I wonder if an IR pass filter would help with the seeing?

Edited by JonHigh
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