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Filters for Solar imaging


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Hi all. 
I have on occasion dabbled with Solar imaging with my ASI585MC attached to a 25+ year old ETX90 purely because I have a WL filter for it. I used a Baader Solar Continuum filter but after doing a bit of research, I found lots of people adding an IR Cut filter due to IR leaks. I have an old Baader UV/IR Rejection filter, also a Neodymium UV/IR cut filter as well which I use for lunar captures. So my question, which should I use for sharper/more detailed results and in which order should the filters be positioned for optimal results, if that makes a difference? 
Just a thought. I have a Lumicon OIII filter. How would that be compared to using the Baader SC Filter?

Taken 2 mins at 30ms at gain 255 using SharpCap. 


Edited by JonHigh
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It wouldn't do any harm to add a UV\IR cut but I believe the IR leakage on the 540nm Baader Solar Continuum filters was from the earlier versions. The newer (10nm & 7nm) ones are ok with no leakage. 

The older ones can be identified by their deeper rim compared to the newer ones.

Never tried an OIII, if you have the Baader SC I don't think there's really any benefit.


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Posted (edited)

Hi Pete. 
Yup it’s the older version! Did look into replacing it with the newer one but can’t justify it right now, unless I find one going cheap! 😂 

Edited by JonHigh
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