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Messier 3 Globular


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I started off by collecting 3 hours of RGB in 300 sec subs but was unconvinced by the results so chucked the whole lot in a single stack with a 300 sec Dark to make a Synthetic Luminance. Even though I used Sigma Stacking I still had to get rid of a lot of satellite trails before stacking. The RGB was eventually collected as 2 hours of 120 sec subs. All the subs were Bin 1. Stacking and initial RGB combination was carried out in AstroArt 8 The 4 stacks were then run through GraXpert before moving on to PixInsight. The Luminance had BlurX before a gentle ArcSinH stretch to just reveal the core before Generalised Hyperbolic Stretch was used for the heavy lifting, keeping a close eye on the cores of the cluster and stars. The RGB stack had SPCC before BlurX, and a similar gentle ArcSinH stretch before GHS did the heavy lifting. No noise reduction was applied to either stack. LRGB synthesis and final adjustments were carried out in AstroArt 8 before saving as PNG and JPEG.

This was with the ODK 12 and Moravian G3 16200 with Chroma LRGB filters.


This is the JPEG, the PNG is huge, about 90 meg.

Edited by DaveS
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