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WBPP calibration doesn't recognize I used a filter

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I'm very much learning and have probably made a basic mistake at image acquisition stage using ASIair Plus and first time using L-Extreme filter. When I come to use WBPP in Pixinsight and load in my files, my calibration window doesn't recognize that my fits file were acquired using Optolong L-Extreme filter. Firstly, is this a problem as the files look absolutely lovely individually. Secondly, What did I do wrong to not get the filenames correct from ASIair in the first place? I used a 2" filter drawer and used the Plan mode on ASI to image the Cygnus Wall. in short, I'm not sure whether I've made a mistake in Pixinsight or when using the ASIair Plus.


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I think nothing is wrong and it's a common thing (I also have it). In my opinion, unless you define a filter wheel - as I understand, only EFW is allowed - you cannot inform the ASIair that you used a filter and what filter it is.

Happy with your pictures? :D 

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The main reason for wanting Filter information in WBPP is to group frames correctly for stacking to make masters (e.g. all Reds, Greens and Blues or Ha etc.). If they are all taken with the same filter, there's no need to worry about it. You will probably want to set the filter correctly when you apply spectrophotometric colour calibration to the master (stacked) image so your star colours are correct.

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Also, if you use a mono camera and e.g. SHO for the nebulosity and RGB for stars, then you can stack them together and the benefit is that you don't need to align the stars after auto-crop. Using the L-eXtreme and any LPS filter, If you want to capture stars separately, just stack them in another run and use a Dynamic Alignment, it's awesome. :)

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Posted (edited)

Phew! I thought I’d ruined 8hrs integration - thanks for helping me! I’ll post a pic later. It’s taken with a 533MC Pro with a Zenithstar Z73 III

Edited by Type1Turkey
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  • 3 months later...

What file format are you saving your original files in?   if it is FITS then you simply need to add a specific keyword to the header so it can see the filter name.  Add a FILTER keyword in the FITS file header and then set the WBPP to group by keyword on the right hand menu.  Note this only works on FITS files.  If you are not saving your files in FITS format and use a different format then it wont be able to tell which filter is used.  You would have to first convert it to FITS then add the keywords to it.



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