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A rare outing….

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Managed to get out for the first time in a LONG time. A brief midnight session with the ultra-light Heritage 130P setup using the rather clever Astro-Hopper app to find my way around. Enjoyed some nice wide field views of the open clusters of Cygnus and the globulars of Hercules and Ophiucus. The H130P always surprises and delights, and the 17mm Hyperion seemed to be the sweet spot in tonight’s permanently bright summer skies. The highlights for me were M11 the Wild Duck cluster and M27 the Dumbell. It was lovely to be out again.

After packing away I was treated to the amazing sight of a trail of Starlink satellites  very bright and closely spaced, probably recently deployed - at first I thought it was the debris of a meteor but soon realised - a beautiful and slightly sinister spectacle. 


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