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350D shooting at 3 f/s

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Hi Guys

I was just familiarising myself with the features on my 350D and decided to try out the 3 f/s shooting.

Am i right in thinking that in the basic modes, 3 f/s is only allowable on the portrait and sport settings ?


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Yes, my instruction book shows it that way.

I've now had my 350D for 4 years and never used

the basic modes, much prefer to use manual setting

with my old Canon and M42 lenses.

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Graham, I don't have a 350D but have had a range of other Canon cameras over the years, the maximum frame rate on them all has been available in all modes as long a continuos shooting is enabled, some picture modes preset to single frame mode in which case the camera is restricted. In Program mode it is selectable so there should be no problem, I tend to rarely use the picture modes but that is just personal preference.


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