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On 14/06/2024 at 16:45, TiffsAndAstro said:

Ty but I will need to learn 2 or 3 panel mosaics via free tools just for m31. An old unsupported panarama stitching tool from Microsoft called ice might do the trick, apparently it can stick linear data together. Gradients might be an issue then, but I can experiment with removing them first.

If there is a gap in clouds tonight I might try a test and see.

I say three so I can have one for center of m31 and then one either side, so no chance of a seam through the middle.

ASTAP is free software that can stitch together mosaics. I’ve done it a few times now, a 2x1, 1x2, 3x2 and a 4x1. PI will also do it on it’s free trial, and I think APP does it as well on its trial.

Take note of the overlap (NINAs framing assistant is great for setting this up if you’ve tried it?), and of course you can save it all to a sequence, so you can return to it over multiple sessions. Also I’d highly recommend sorting out any tilt or backfocus issues before trying a mosaic. Irrespective of the overlap, the few times I tried it I had to go around and manually clone stamp out every elongated star that appeared twice at the seams. In the case of the 3x2, it took a LOT of time… I’m talking hours upon hours. Not fun. 

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, WolfieGlos said:

ASTAP is free software that can stitch together mosaics. I’ve done it a few times now, a 2x1, 1x2, 3x2 and a 4x1. PI will also do it on it’s free trial, and I think APP does it as well on its trial.

Take note of the overlap (NINAs framing assistant is great for setting this up if you’ve tried it?), and of course you can save it all to a sequence, so you can return to it over multiple sessions. Also I’d highly recommend sorting out any tilt or backfocus issues before trying a mosaic. Irrespective of the overlap, the few times I tried it I had to go around and manually clone stamp out every elongated star that appeared twice at the seams. In the case of the 3x2, it took a LOT of time… I’m talking hours upon hours. Not fun. 

Ty didn't realise astap was free let alone do mosaics.

I've looked at mosaics in Ninas framing assistant and not sure how much overlap is needed. Will obviously have a test or two first.

I think elp mentioned edge of frame defects being a problem in a thread, which I'd never even considered, so I will need to address any before attempting.

I'll look up some astap tutorials and give it a go ty :)

My camera still hasn't shipped, so I have a feeling I won't be getting it. I might have to change my choice and go back to an uncooled 585 based camera.

*** seems i already downloaded astap's star databases, i guess for nina?

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To be honest, I think a lot of people don't realise ASTAP's full potential. I've never really used it much beyond tilt checking individual subs, stacking and mosaics. But it does do so much more. ASTAP does have some good documentation with it, but if you need any help with creating the mosaic either post or drop me a message.

Overlap is whatever you feel like 🙂 I used the default in NINA, because, why not? And yes, NINA does use ASTAPs star database.

I'm currently using the 585mc uncooled, and it's a brilliant little camera for DSO even if it's primary function is planetary. I've used it a few times overnight in the last week, and the temperature has remained pretty constant overnight - ranging from 13 degrees down to 12.5 in each session. I can't compare to a cooled camera (others can comment), but I see no issue with dark frame calibration there!

With the 585mc, in theory your tilt might be better with it (smaller sensor - so less of the circle is used again), but it is 16:9 format so a bit widescreen for single images. Just beware that it has a smaller FOV, effectively "zooming in" on the image (no gain in resolution) so you might need more mosaics; just compare M31 here with the 533.

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Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, WolfieGlos said:

To be honest, I think a lot of people don't realise ASTAP's full potential. I've never really used it much beyond tilt checking individual subs, stacking and mosaics. But it does do so much more. ASTAP does have some good documentation with it, but if you need any help with creating the mosaic either post or drop me a message.

Overlap is whatever you feel like 🙂 I used the default in NINA, because, why not? And yes, NINA does use ASTAPs star database.

I'm currently using the 585mc uncooled, and it's a brilliant little camera for DSO even if it's primary function is planetary. I've used it a few times overnight in the last week, and the temperature has remained pretty constant overnight - ranging from 13 degrees down to 12.5 in each session. I can't compare to a cooled camera (others can comment), but I see no issue with dark frame calibration there!

With the 585mc, in theory your tilt might be better with it (smaller sensor - so less of the circle is used again), but it is 16:9 format so a bit widescreen for single images. Just beware that it has a smaller FOV, effectively "zooming in" on the image (no gain in resolution) so you might need more mosaics; just compare M31 here with the 533.

I've been comparing a lot of fovs. 

I just got a tracking number for DHL, so I'm sticking with a 533 for now lol ;) Hopefully it will be suitable for a possible sct in the distant future too.

Hopefully I get a decent tec cooled 533 with filter draw and UV/it cut filter for less than the cost of a uncooled 585 and zwo accessories....I'm far from certain what's even in the deal. Powersuplly? Probably not but I saw an unboxing video of someone who did. Might be special treatment for a yt er.

Ty for your kind offer of astap help. I'll watch a lot of YouTube videos first though.

533 is square and reminds me too much of 1980s TV shows aspect ratio, but that's about my only concern. I already crop a fair bit and mosaics will solve that, though more complicated:(

Also more forgiving of tilt/focus tube slop issues than 16:9 or even my current 3:2.

I'll have to get a Ha + Oiii dual narrowband filter at some point. Maybe even an S + something second one. Not sure about that.

I said elsewhere that I don't like Hubble palette. Turns out it's not that simple, of course. I've seen a couple images I think it works really nicely on, not sure yet if that's the palette itself or the way it was processed. I just need to get good data and I can worry about different ways of processing later.

I can't be the only noob who thinks I can map the different emissions to colours different to Hubble palette and get a result I prefer :)


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My biggest* fault is doing further product research after buying said product. Reading an article on sharp cap analysis of sv605cc says it has a well depth of 73k not 50k and unity gain is 130 not 100.

This is close to player ones specs for their version. Wonder if they use same circuit boards or something. If so I'm refering to mine as playertwo in the future ;)



* Not really my biggest fault

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