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Portable imaging setup

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I hope this is the right forum for this but I just wanted to showcase my imaging setup using an Evoguide 50ED. I’ve yet to use it for any serious imaging as I just got it, but I’ve done some modifications so I can mount my existing Svbony guide scope on top. Has anyone done any AP using the Evoguide, and what do you think of it?


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Hi Nerf-caching,

That looks a nice mobile set-up and is similar to what I am trying to assemble right now. It looks like you are using ZWO cameras, 120mm as a guide and a cooled one as your main camera? I'm using the 120mm as a guide camera but have limited my budget to buy the 585mc as the imaging camera. Although you say you have a SkyWatcher Star Adventurer Pro (as I do) the picture is of an iOptron isn't it? Was that because the Star Adventurer isn't a full Equatorial mount? I intend to overcome that later by upgrading to the Star Adventurer GTi.
I was shopping for a (relatively) lightweight refractor and chose the StellaMyra 80mm ED f/6.25 from FLO - what I call Black Beauty as I hope this will be a mobile work-horse. I'm currently thinking about the most secure and compact way to mount the guide scope onto the main scope in a way that I can assemble and dismantle quickly and I feel I need to push my guide scope and its camera well forward to compensate for the focuser / field flattener and main camera weight being behind the Star Adeventurer 2i Pro's centre of rotation. This is to limit the amount of balancing I need to do. If anyone reading this has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. 
My new rig was delivered yesterday and I was hoping to be able to see Comet C2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) tonight or tomorrow before it gets too low in the evening / night sky but FLO's delivery certainly included local clouds 😪.
Good luck with your bundle - share what you capture please.

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Posted (edited)

I had a SA, I wouldn't trust it with my 60mm refractor even though people have done it. Although the 80mm is likely light, you also need to consider the box volume and the added torque it applies in use compared to a smaller scope, the longer focal length also adds to the demands of tracking accuracy/guiding and also the accuracy requirement of your polar alignment.

The azgti was the smallest I used with an actual scope, in EQ mode it makes for an excellent starter mount. The SAGTI is the evolution of it, but likely better internally designed too.

Edited by Elp
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