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Connection issues in N.I.N.A

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Hi all

ive just received my new eagle 5 pro and have set it up correctly following the Primaluce lab manual ,I’ve downloaded Ascom and drivers for all my equipment, then downloaded n.I.n.a . I can get into the Nina app but when I try to connect the eagle in the switch tab it first off connects then suddenly it losses connection then won’t connect again after . I check in the settings tab and it says eagle not detected , I’m perplexed as when I go into x manager it comes up on the screen with out any issues . I haven’t connected anything else yet I will try that on my next day off 

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Posted (edited)

Never used it, but first I'd do would be to swap the usb cable if you haven't already tried that.

Also, there might be some issues if you open ascom or other stuff as admin.

Edited by TiffsAndAstro
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I've no experience with an Eagle (or any mini PC), but one thing I found when trying to connect NINA to my rig for an Autofocuser was the length of the USB cable.

I previously had a 5m USB2 cable, to connect my laptop (indoors) to the rig, and when I installed an EAF it simply wouldn't transmit enough power over that length. The EAF would disconnect in exactly the same manner as you describe.

My solution was a powered USB3 hub, this is the one I ordered, along with a length of USB3 cable to send data back indoors. It just means that I have to have power outside (assume you have this for the Eagle anyway), so currently I have an extension lead housed in a dribox. This allows me to power a 585mc pro camera for planetary imaging and an EAF, with no disconnects.

Hope that helps.

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