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Using the ASI Air for spectroscopy and controlling it all from one machine.

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Installing AIR to PC guide

I decided to write this as it is worth knowing if you use the AIR but like I was doing until recently control it via a tablet and check files with rspec on a pc/laptop.

This just cuts down on having to use two machine and makes a process more streamlined and easier to follow. It is especially useful when achieving a prime focus.

A note here, I have a range extender which I pop into back garden when using my rig so after PA is complete, I come back into my front room and sit in the warmth with a strong signal and away I go. Another FYI I have the ZWO autofocuser installed so again I can do this from my living room.  It was focusing that pushed me into doing this. Alas I haven't been able to find away to have a live video running when using the AIR for focusing but if I find one I shall update this.

Moving on, someone has already created a workflow for installing "Microsoft windows subsystem for android and ASI App" and the link is below. However before you charge ahead and get installing, please read my notes below as some of them are critical to your installation and it may fail if not taken note of.

Installing ASIAIR Android App on a PC – Star-Gazing

There are 3 files that you need to download, if like me you use onedrive or similar file sharing system, do not place these files into a shared folder, place them into a folder on your C drive and add shortcuts to your task bar (see pictures) for the subsystem and ASI App. The installation fails when using onedrive, so I would think it would do with others eg dropbox. It would seem the install doesn't like networked folders.

Once you have installed the software, you should map a drive to the ASI Air preview folder, link here:   Map a network drive in Windows - Microsoft Support  When it asks for  a folder or browse, the address to put in the Folder box is  \\asiair\EMMC Images\Preview    You also put this address into the rspec "Folder on your hard drive for auto-open to monitor" (see pictures). 

You are now nearly ready to go. When you switch on the air and your pc/lap top you just follow these very simple steps.

Let the AIR load, start laptop and connect to the ASI Air network. Then first launch the windows subsystem for android then the ASI App and that's it, you should be connected and everything is available on one machine.

Last point of note. Auto-open new files isn't working on my rspec setup, I don't know why. Tom Field and I put our heads together and we couldn't figure out why. It might work for you and it might be peculiar to me but just in case you get the error message below, at least you are aware and simply open manually, it isn't a big deal.  As long as the rspec "Image File>Open" is pointing to the ASI Air "preview folder, which is the same address as already used above "\\asiair\EMMC Images\Preview" your files are immediately accessible.  There is a slight delay whilst the file downloads from AIR to rspec but it is minimal.

I hope this is useful to anyone using the Air as I am.


Screenshot 2024-05-01 195708.png

Screenshot 2024-05-01 195639.png

Screenshot 2024-05-01 195603.png

Screenshot 2024-04-30 130325.png

Edited by bomberbaz
adding pictures
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Hi bomber

Appreciate the info on setting up the Air but not much there on the actual spectroscopy. 

What kit are you using ?

What are you using to guide ?

How are you getting initial pointing and then fine alignment to put the star on the slit ?






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13 hours ago, skybadger said:

Hi bomber

Appreciate the info on setting up the Air but not much there on the actual spectroscopy. 

What kit are you using ?

What are you using to guide ?

How are you getting initial pointing and then fine alignment to put the star on the slit ?






Yeah sorry should have been specific. I am using a simple SA100 and as such only learning. I doubt very much I would be using an AIR if I was using a slit.

Using a Ioptron HEM15 with a quattro 150p F4 coupled to a ZWO133mm. The guiding done via the AIR and a 60mm sVbony guide and basic ZWO 120mm guide.

It is a relatively primitive setup for spectroscopy. However I am trying to get across to would be spectroscopy users that an initial outlay to start isn't as expensive or complicated as it could be so existing gear can be used and in this instance, streamlined to a users needs.



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Great, thanks

I was asking cos I have a high res littrow with guide slit camera and am having to rely on a second scope to do the gross  pointing. The final fine pointing is the remaining issue. 


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  • 2 months later...
On 01/05/2024 at 23:03, bomberbaz said:

Installing AIR to PC guide

I decided to write this as it is worth knowing if you use the AIR but like I was doing until recently control it via a tablet and check files with rspec on a pc/laptop.

This just cuts down on having to use two machine and makes a process more streamlined and easier to follow. It is especially useful when achieving a prime focus.

A note here, I have a range extender which I pop into back garden when using my rig so after PA is complete, I come back into my front room and sit in the warmth with a strong signal and away I go. Another FYI I have the ZWO autofocuser installed so again I can do this from my living room.  It was focusing that pushed me into doing this. Alas I haven't been able to find away to have a live video running when using the AIR for focusing but if I find one I shall update this.

Moving on, someone has already created a workflow for installing "Microsoft windows subsystem for android and ASI App" and the link is below. However before you charge ahead and get installing, please read my notes below as some of them are critical to your installation and it may fail if not taken note of.

Installing ASIAIR Android App on a PC – Star-Gazing

There are 3 files that you need to download, if like me you use onedrive or similar file sharing system, do not place these files into a shared folder, place them into a folder on your C drive and add shortcuts to your task bar (see pictures) for the subsystem and ASI App. The installation fails when using onedrive, so I would think it would do with others eg dropbox. It would seem the install doesn't like networked folders.

Once you have installed the software, you should map a drive to the ASI Air preview folder, link here:   Map a network drive in Windows - Microsoft Support  When it asks for  a folder or browse, the address to put in the Folder box is  \\asiair\EMMC Images\Preview    You also put this address into the rspec "Folder on your hard drive for auto-open to monitor" (see pictures). 

You are now nearly ready to go. When you switch on the air and your pc/lap top you just follow these very simple steps.

Let the AIR load, start laptop and connect to the ASI Air network. Then first launch the windows subsystem for android then the ASI App and that's it, you should be connected and everything is available on one machine.

Last point of note. Auto-open new files isn't working on my rspec setup, I don't know why. Tom Field and I put our heads together and we couldn't figure out why. It might work for you and it might be peculiar to me but just in case you get the error message below, at least you are aware and simply open manually, it isn't a big deal.  As long as the rspec "Image File>Open" is pointing to the ASI Air "preview folder, which is the same address as already used above "\\asiair\EMMC Images\Preview" your files are immediately accessible.  There is a slight delay whilst the file downloads from AIR to rspec but it is minimal.

I hope this is useful to anyone using the Air as I am.


Screenshot 2024-05-01 195708.png

Screenshot 2024-05-01 195639.png

Screenshot 2024-05-01 195603.png

Screenshot 2024-04-30 130325.png

Hi! Do you happen to know if it's possible to use the ASI Air app on macOS?

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21 hours ago, Horrashelt said:

Hi! Do you happen to know if it's possible to use the ASI Air app on macOS?

I don't no, you would need a compatibility programme to allow sideways loading of the ASI app.

There are a list of answers on the link below, seems there is a possibility but I didn't go in depth.

can you side load android apps to MAC OS uk - Google Search


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