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Gibbous Moon and Field Rotation

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I used to take moon shots on my driven equatorial mount but last night I used a manual alt-az mount. I took 10 batches of 15 exposures at one second intervals. This took about 8 minutes in total as I had to manually realign the telescope between batches. I tried to process all 150 images in Pipp and Autostakkert but the field rotation gave me a rather odd result with duplicated craters. See top and bottom of lower, second image.

So I processed just 20 consecutive images and stacked the best 10. I tweaked the result in Affinity Photo to give me the upper image which I am pretty happy with. But, is there a way of using all 150 images with some sort of "derotation" process?

Thanks, Jim

203mm Classic Cassegrain - Nikon Z6 - 1/500s - ISO800



Edited by Jim Smith
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Why not carry out the lunar imaging as a planetary image? You can then process in AS3 and Registax (or something similar). This will allow very sharp images and it won't care about field rotation or movement.

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