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Got a MAK after using 8" Dob

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Hi Guys so i picked up a Skywatcher 102 MAK with eq2 mount for £120 as was really interested in the eq mount and tracking objects and would like to get a budget DSLR and try some AP plus portability

The Orion XT8PLUS was my re-introduction to astronomy after having budget scopes as a kid and wow the 1st night i saw Jupiter and its moons and Saturn with the rings clearly visible as well as clusters of stars

Anyway just getting to grips with the setup and as per waiting for a clear sky........

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Ok so ended up picking up an explorer 130 on eq2 mount also as it came with the multi speed motor drive boxed

so now have the 8” dob 102 mark and 130 newtonian

im thinking of keeping the dob and mak and flipping the 130

what would you do?



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I think I'd do the same - move the 130 on to a new owner. 

The 8" dob and 4" mak make complimentary and contrasting companions I think.

Your photo illustrates nicely how an 8" dob is compact for it's performance advantage over the 130 eq mounted newtonian.


Edited by John
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Thanks for the input John

i seem to have picked the worst time to test the mak as the planets are so low in the sky and what with the cloud I haven’t even been able to catch Jupiter before it dropped below the horizon

I think the 8” dob with the 2” 28mm deep view is hard to beat for general looking around I’ve got svbony 7-21mm in the mak and tried it alongside the dob at stars but obv a much narrower field and not as bright but I got it for planetary as I found I was constantly re-adjusting the dob and wanted to try some photography so the eq2 mount and map would be better with the ra motor

I’ve enjoyed learning how to setup the eq2 mount though tbh when I point it true north and at 53dg lat the scope is well off!!


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Well the clouds cleared last night and although the seeing conditions weren’t brilliant and Jupiter is lying low on the horizon I managed to get the scope polar aligned to Polaris and was happy that Jupiter tracked really well could o oh see 3 moons and it detail was hazy on syvbony 21mm zoom lense but it was a good proof of concept

can anyone recommend the best budget camera for planetry i was looking at dslr but believe the telescope cameras would be best

they have the sv105 on Amazon for £50


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