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Telescope Shops on Google Maps

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If anyone knows that one of the shops is online, and not a real shop, just change the balloon to an envelope. I did in fact try to delve deeper than just looking at the opening times, to see if they explicitly talked about a showroom, etc.

Getting back to my original idea, I just thought it would be useful to know where my local shops where, so that I could actually see some kit and maybe get some advice (I'm looking for a cpc800, probably). Its a dilemma for the trade that as a customer its nice to see kit and get advice, but you want internet prices. There are some shops that seem to do both. However, price isn't always everything, and just a browse through some of the threads here will show how important reputation, service and good aftersales is.

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I've now found a way to add photos to the description of the shop. It's quite complicated, you upload a photo to a web based album (eg Google Picasa3), and the add a link to it from the description box (edit-select photo icon) on Google maps.

I've done it for two shops, SBTC Rotherham and Rother Vally Optics as I happened to be in the area at the time. If anyone wants to add a photo of their local shop either edit the map as above or send me the photo (low res).

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Super Job :)

Couple of us are after your advice so we can set up a cloudwatchers map... Im planning to taek a widefield imgae of the cloudcover each night an hour or so before dusk ad post it together with a description of the clouds for the few hours up to the tiem the pic was taken.. if we can link them into a google map then they can be used together witha sat24 anim to give some idea whats heading "upwind"...


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