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Sell in bits or as whole?

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Hi all,

I'm moving back to London soon, and won't have much sky to enjoy. Also, after four and a bit years of enjoying astro, I find the balance between enjoyment and frustration has tipped the wrong way, especially with our diabolical weather.

So, I'm thinking of selling my stuff, but I'm not sure what the best thing would be to do.

I can see that it makes sense to break the system down and sell it in bits. It's nothing special, just a 130PDS scope with focuser and guidescope, NEQ6 mount, ASI533MC camera with some filters, Nevada power supply.

However, I can also see that as it's all working nicely, it's essentially an 'observatory in a box', so someone could just take it in toto, download drivers to their computer, plug it in and off they go. If they use APT, I could even supply them with the settings.

The 'break it down' approach would mean a bit of faffing to dismantle the focuser, put the knobs back on the scope, advertise etc, but would probably be the quickest route.

The 'observatory in a box' approach would give me a nice warm feeling inside because I'd be helping someone get set up quickly, but I can see that if someone is just starting out, and wants to get into this game, adopting a complete system in one go rather than starting simple and building up might be a bit of a challenge. Also, I haven't really seen anyone else do this, which implies to me it's not 'done'.

So, what would you do? Any ideas/thoughts/opinions?


Edited by BrendanC
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As it is currently a mount  & go set up, then it will appeal to someone thinking of delving in to AP.  So first thoughts are to try and sell as a package.

 If no takers then one will have to go down the route of individual selling of the set up.

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Conventional wisdom is that you will accrue more if you sell separately (at least the camera and scope + mount). Also, unless the kit is exactly what someone has been waiting for, you might have to wait a while for the right person to take it.

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2 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Conventional wisdom is that you will accrue more if you sell separately (at least the camera and scope + mount). Also, unless the kit is exactly what someone has been waiting for, you might have to wait a while for the right person to take it.

Agree especially as all three bits are popular.If the pricing is right, they should sell fairly quickly.

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Looks like separate items it is, then. I agree, unless someone wants this exact setup it might take a while to sell, and I don't want too much delay. Thanks! 

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