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difficulty installing jocular windows11


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I have spent over two hours  attempting to install jocular on a new windows 11 computer. I have it installed on a previous windows 11 computer and dont remember it being so difficult.

I have installed most recent python311

whether I do pip install jocular OR

pip3 install jocular or

pip3.11 install jocular 


I get the error "Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools":https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/


I downloaded and installed everything from that site yet I still get the error when I attempt to install jocular


I even tried installing it from the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022

Can anyone help me with this?

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I don’t know this particular application but maybe its the Visual C/C++ runtimes that you need since these aren’t distributed with Windows 11 and rely on the application’s own installer to add the redistributable support libraries if necessary.

Try downloading and installing manually both the x64 and x86 Visual C/C++ redistributable libraries linked below.

You need both x64 and x86 packages installed on a Windows 11 64bit O.S. since these are application bit-version specific libraries rather than O.S. bit-version specific.

After running both installers you need to reboot the computer to make them available to any application that requires them, then after the reboot try installing your application again.

Both download links below are direct to Microsoft’s own servers but if you want to verify the source addresses and read more you will find that on >this< Microsoft webpage.





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