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Meridian Flip Issues - ASIAir and NEQ6

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I recently, upgraded my setup to capitalise on ZWO's ecosystem. ASIAir Plus, EAF, EFW, etc., and it's been wonderful to not have to deal with buggy drivers and hiccups with EQMOD etc. The ONE thing that I still have an issue with, is the MERIDIAN FLIP. 

I go through the process of setting up a PLAN in the ASIAir app; lately with the knowledge that the target will cross the meridian line during the session. The ASIAir recognises this and warns me that it is Xh:Xm away. I have it setup so that the ASIAir waits 5 mins before and 5 mins after to continue the imaging session. However, when it decides its time to perform the flip, it places the scope on the opposite side of the RA axis, but it doesn't point to the same target, it ends up way off. It will usually take more than 4 attempts to correctly plate solve and position the scope, however, there are times when it slews the scope close to the horizon. Of course, it's all downhill from there. I end up having to intervene, as it can't find any stars on my neighbours back wall :).

I was wondering if anybody has had similar issues in the past and if anybody has any suggestions on how to fix this. Whether it's a polar alignment issue, clock issue, backlash issue, some internal setting in the mount that I need to change? I don't know. 

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Clear skies.

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Are you leaving your setup to do its thing ,or do you keep a eye on it. I had the same problem and I just gave up in the end.Now I wait for scope to get near meridian, send scope to home then go back to target,yes it means I have to stop imaging but only for a couple of mins it works every time.😃

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At the moment I keep an eye on it. I don't trust the AMF to work without my presence. Hopefully, though, I can sort this out, and can get a full night of sleep without worrying about the scope hitting the tripod, or the session failing because of the AMF.

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