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Star trails captured on Fomapan 400 B&W film: anything while the weather's bad

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Seeing a clear sky two weeks ago, I rushed out with my kit to see some very thin cloud. Because of this I decided to try an arty shot on the film camera instead of anything serious.

I used the Fomapan 400 already most of the way through in my Canon AE1-Program and a 24mm tokina lens wide open at f2.8, hoya 25 red filter in front of the lens

I chose an exposure length of 17 minutes and developed the film at box speed. Sadly it was quite underexposed and a FAT cloud drifted into view about 12-13 minutes in, which thankfully hasn't detracted from the shot *too* much.

Awaiting my next chance to try this eagerly

Also, Mr Winston the cat sat very patiently to the right of the apple tree and as such is visible as a grey blob haha! My fluffy photography assistant.


Edit: Felt I might include a pic of the negative itself and not just a scan. Taken on phone and inverted. The little assitant can be seen having a well deserved nap post-photography session haha.


Edited by pipnina
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