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Sadr Region at 145mm

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At this focal length I was able to capture the Cygnus Wall, Pelican, Sadr and Crescent nebula.

Again I was using a Star Adventurer, Canon 6D (modded) and Canon 70-200mm f4 zoom lens.

The previous attempt at 200mm focal length was a test for the lens (and set-up) so this time I wanted to see the performance at 145mm.

Last nights clouds were a big problem resulting in many subs being unusable!

I managed 20 lights (out of 120) at ISO1600 of 60sec exposure using an aperture of f5. Darks (10) were also taken.

Stacked in Sequator and processed in Lightroom and Photoshop CS.

Lightroom denoise was used as only 20 images.

Despite the lack of integration time the result, I think, is pretty good. 

CC's welcome.


Sadr Region Widefield 145mm:


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