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Heart of the Soul


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This is my first attempt at combining narrowband data, in this case H-Alpha and OIII to produce an HOO image, with Luminance data also added, weighted at 60%.  The data was gathered using a QHY268M, with Antlia 3nm Ha and OIII filters and an Antlia Luminance filter, on my TS Optics Photoline 130 APO mounted on a Losmandy G11 under Bortle 5 skies.  The total integration time of 12 hours and 40 minutes comprises 4 hours of Ha and 5 hours of Luminance, taken last Autumn, and 3 hours 40 mins of OIII, taken during a rare clear evening last week.  The data was gathered with SGPro and processed in PixInsight.  I am hoping to gather some RGB data to replace the current Ha/OIII stars.  Constructive criticism always welcome 🙂





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3 hours ago, peter shah said:

That a wonderful rendition , I almost didn't recognise it....beautiful work

Many thanks for your generous words Peter.  I used to get slightly vexed that the field of view of my TS 130 does not encompass the totality of the larger DSOs, but I am now quite enjoying picking out details in them (until I am brave enough to have a go at mosaics!).

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