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21 hours ago, wesdon1 said:

@WolfieGlos Haha sorry, my bad! I should have known you were only kidding! haha! 

Incidentally, the weather / clouds ruined last night yet again! GRRR I think I need a holiday too! haha! 

Clear Skies my friend!

I could see it was going to cloud over, so went for M13 Wednesday with a full 1 hour of usable sky :( .  Last night was a little better, managed around 20 ish - 5  min subs on Iris before the cloud started to stuff the tracking, not checked the subs yet, but sure some will be a waste.

Either way, better than nothing :)

Edited by sinbad40
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On 18/08/2023 at 09:14, sinbad40 said:

I could see it was going to cloud over, so went for M13 Wednesday with a full 1 hour of usable sky :( .  Last night was a little better, managed around 20 ish - 5  min subs on Iris before the cloud started to stuff the tracking, not checked the subs yet, but sure some will be a waste.

Either way, better than nothing :)

@sinbad40 Aww well I'm glad that you managed atleast some time outside my friend! If nothing else it helps you/us not forget our workflow setting up and imaging outside because multi-month dry spells causes us to to start forgetting our setup regime! LOL

I actually finally managed about 1 hour myself last night. The night before I was super unwell so missed the first clear night for over 2 months! Gutted! Anyway I got outside last night and got an hour or so of data before, you guessed it, the clouds rolled in! I was/am super happy still though because it was first ever time using a narrow'ish tri-band filter ( L-Enhance ) and I just could not believe how much better my east vale neb subs were with the L-Enhance compared to a regular broadband LP filter ( specifically the L-Pro filter ) The subs were so much cleaner, the signal to noise was drastically improved because I was able to do longer subs with the L-Enhance ( 4.5 mins, compared to around 2 mins with L-Pro ) and obviousely the L-Enhance blocks much more LP and lets in specific much narrower wavelengths of light ( Ha, Hb, O111 )

So all in I am so happy with the new filter, and in a few months I will go even narrower with an L-Extreme filter. But for now I want to just enjoy using the L-Enhance.

*So sorry for such long rambliong message! I got/get carried away sometimes! LOL

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The cloud just drags you down, sorry you were not well, but i am sure we will get better skies soon.  I use the L-pro on reflection things like Iris nebula (currently fighting to get more data on that one).  I also have the L-enhanced which like you have found to be excellent.  Not thought about the l-extreme yet, wasn't sure if i wanted to try get others to do the hubble pallet, need to read up more on that.  Like you, happy to just get something when i can.  One of the reasons i went for the OSC camera.  Used to have a mono many years ago, but always struggled to get the time in for each filter.

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3 minutes ago, sinbad40 said:

The cloud just drags you down, sorry you were not well, but i am sure we will get better skies soon.  I use the L-pro on reflection things like Iris nebula (currently fighting to get more data on that one).  I also have the L-enhanced which like you have found to be excellent.  Not thought about the l-extreme yet, wasn't sure if i wanted to try get others to do the hubble pallet, need to read up more on that.  Like you, happy to just get something when i can.  One of the reasons i went for the OSC camera.  Used to have a mono many years ago, but always struggled to get the time in for each filter.

@sinbad40 Thanks mate, I have ongoing problems with my stomach ( long story ) and when it flares up I'm stuck in bed sick. Thanks for kind words.

Yes the L-Pro is great for relfection nebs. I actually had a go at the iris neb a couple months back but I only got about 50 minutes on it before clouds came in. I think it's a beautiful mysterious nebula, and looks awesome with enough hours of subs. Definitely going back to it at some point.

I'm not very knowledgeable on Hubble pallette except i think it's a colour matching thing for narrowband channels?

Yes I love OSC too for the same reasons you mentioned, plus I live on 2nd floor of flats, so I have to carry all my gear downstairs, and stay outside all night while imaging ( a local theif would steal my gear in a second, unfortunately ) so I have to make every second count, and narrowband imaging would be too difficult. It's hard enough doing OSC! Plus, as you rightly mentioned, clear sky time in uk is vanishingly rare so narrowband is really difficult. 

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