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EQ6R-Pro guiding

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So after weeks of rain, the heavens allowed me 2 hours to get the guiding sorted, and i think its not to bad, but it seems to give a couple of hiccups at random times.  This was a 48 minute track after a calibration and then through the pec check for backlash (already made the adjustments during the day).  Is this likely to just be a gust of wind or something as it ran fine for the next 30 plus minutes.

Any advise is welcome.



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"the pec check for backlash "

Explain what you mean by that.

There are fairly regular big spikes in RA (blue trace).

And those random big spikes in Dec (red trace)

Can't tell from the grab whether those are from guiding or from external sources - grit in RA worm, snagging cables etc.

Post a link to the GuideLog.


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Thanks Michael, i will get the file back from the system outside when it stops raining so i can turn it back on.  For the backlash i was recording from eqmod and was going to try and sort anything strange that way.  I managed to do some more tracking last night before the weather changed and noticed one thing.  When PHD2 is running and its the main window that is open, it is fine, as soon as i go onto nina to set something going, i notice phd2 graph stops updating, and as soon as i click on the phd2 window, it starts again, but is a mile off so has to bring it back on track.  Did a quick uninstall/re-install, did a calibration, still the same, so not sure if windows has an issue with background apps, again will see if i can find something on that.  Checked all the cables when setting up, had it all moving a full movement in all directions, no snagging etc.

Edited by sinbad40
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