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I love it when a plan comes together!

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I finally got around to trying out my Askar FMA135 with my Revelation 2x Barlow in front of a mirror diagonal and a SLV 25mm eyepiece - and it reaches focus at long distance with travel remaining for infinity focus. Woot woot! This simplifies my travel setup, as I can ditch the 50mm RACI finder in favor of the 30mm Askar unit, so the setup would comprise:

Long Perng 90 APO (not the Achro version) + 0.8 reducer/flattener
Askar FMA 135
NPL 30mm
SLV 25mm
SLV 12mm
Svbony 3-8
Revelation 2x
AZGTI + CF tripod + Talentcell battery
AZT6 (I know, two mount heads is overkill, but I only like tracking for photos)
ASI 485 MC
My lovely light laptop
Discovering Double Stars II
Red light torch

As I can get to infinity with a mirror diagonal, I am hopeful to get to infinity with a prism diagonal and the barlow behind the diagonal for a wider field. With a 30 mm plossl maybe I can even get to infinity with the Rev barlow lens group screwed directly into the plossl. Many experiments to try on the next clear night!

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