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Filter wheel for a dob

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Hi all.

Would it be possible to fit a filter wheel to my dob, and still be able to achieve focus .

I think my spider vane might stop me from getting a filter slider

Thanks dave



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If you can come up with a way to replace that tall 1.25" adapter with the filter wheel, it should be doable.  I can't do that with the low profile focuser on my Dob, though.  I have only 25mm of backfocus from the top of the focuser housing.

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If you replace the 1.25 in nosepiece on the filter wheel with a 2 in nosepiece, you might find that you have just sufficient 'In Travel'

I fitted a 2 in nosepiece to my ZWO filter wheels, which gave my about an extra 10 mm of in travel, which was sufficient in my case, it all depends on the scope.

In addition it is possible to move the focusing mount slightly towards the main mirror which will give you extra effective in travel, but this will involve drilling new holes in the telescope tube, which I understand not everyone would want to do.


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You could always rotate the spider to clear the path and go with a filter strip.  I am giving that some real thought 

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