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Planet nine from memory


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Perhaps here it looks out of place; if so please move down. But for me, this work is as serious as this topic implies.
The fact is that when I was 8 years old I became very ill and in hallucinations I saw it so realistically and consciously that it seemed to me that I had died. The most amazing thing is that at that time I could not even imagine anything like this and simply did not understand what it was. It scared me so much that I tried to forget it for a long time. But later, thanks to photographs of the planets and other data, I was able to partially systematize and draw it.

The first thing I remember, if you don't miss the apocalyptic surrealism before, is complete darkness away from the sun and the approach of something massive and faintly shimmering red. When it got very close, I saw in the darkness below me a huge number of glowing red forks like lava flows. And I remember the gloomy hard plain. Then I moved away and saw a lot of lights that looked like hell. It seemed alive perhaps because of the translucent dust clouds above it. Gradually moving away, I seemed to move in time and, as it were, from night to day, because the complete darkness disappeared and I could see it completely. It was huge like it was a star but at the same time it was a planet. At this point, perhaps my brain was ready to burn out.
Here are two of my paintings. The first one is not very accurate because I tried to combine the night and day views without realizing that they are different.
Later I realized this and drew the second one. To tell the truth, I have never seen anything more amazing in my life than this planet and my art is a pathetic imitation of it.IMG_20210515_182219_070-720x610.jpg.21600a3d0775af05a5e14e6239d0bcc4.jpg




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6 hours ago, saac said:

Lovely art work. Certainly doesn't look like a planet one would want to visit. 


Thanks! Very vague before I saw it from space but I think I was there and there were a lot of shallow pools. Maybe it was at different times. Seen from above, it looked very inhospitable and possibly deserted in some places..

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Thanks. It's hard for me to say what it should be like. It was somehow too deserted for the early earth, but also too much activity for Mars. There was just too much of everything confusing and incomprehensible. I dread to think that there could also be cities. I recently noticed that noctilucent clouds create a pattern similar to this. I really would not like to come up with something that was not there and it breaks my brain.

Maybe there were lightning but the atmosphere was not as dense as on Venus for example. Even the clouds on the ground look thicker

Edited by MasterOgonArt
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