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Is this wind?

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It Could be hard to tell the difference between guiding, poor PA, balance, seeing, wind… is this image a stack or a single sub? I am also trying to contend with the wind tonight and if you look at these sub comparisons the elongated stars are caused by wind the next image guiding was under 1 total error and is fine. 



Edited by Simon Pepper
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I'm seeing those types of stars this evening as well, and it's windy out, and I don't usually see those types of stars, and I don't usually image in the wind (but just can't pass up only the 2nd chance to image in 3 months)....so I'd say yes, wind can definitely cause that.

Edited by Neil_104
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I'm not so sure that this is wind as the wind died down to almost nothing during the night and the stars still aren't right. The images above are just screenshots of a single sub from ASI Fits View (zoomed in) so a single, heavily stretched sub

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The two images show quite different errors. The first one has doubled stellar images, one 'star' larger than the other. This tells us that the mount spends most of its time in one place but sometimes jumps quickly to another, for a shorter period of time, where it produces a smaller displaced image.  This is consistent with backlash, the mount spending more time at one side of the backlash in the gears than on the other, and very little time in between. 

The second image shows the mount spending most of its time in one place but sometimes being driven away from for a short time and returning to the first point. That would certainly be consistent with wind.


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I think it is probably wind, but maybe something else as well as olly suggests.  I would just park the data, and retry on a still night - remove one variable from the equation.  You have the bare bones of some great pics in the works IMHO - I would be pretty encouraged  with what you have: the bright moon and wind blew me off completely this month, so stick with it!


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